Vitamin deficiency: Symptoms and Causes deficiency: Symptoms and Causes

Vitamin deficiency: Symptoms and Causes of deficiency

Vitamin deficiency: Symptoms and Causes of deficiency

Vitamins are micronutrients that our body needs for daily activities. Each vitamin is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. We usually get vitamins from the food we eat. A deficiency of one of these essential vitamins can cause several problems such as breathing and memory loss.

Vitamin deficiency: Symptoms and Causes of deficiency

Vitamins are a type of micronutrient that the body needs. There are 13 vitamins, each of which is important for the daily functioning of the body. Lack of this essential vitamin can cause severe problems in the body. In fact, vitamin deficiency in the body is defined as vitamin deficiency. Vitamin deficiency is a health problem that affects millions of people today. You can develop vitamin deficiencies due to vitamin deficiencies and certain medical conditions. The consequences of vitamin deficiency in the body can be perilous. 10 Major Effects of Vitamin Deficiency: Shortness of breath: Vitamin B12 deficiency can reduce the production of red blood cells in the body.

Vitamin deficiency: Symptoms and Causes of deficiency

This makes it difficult for oxygen to flow through the body, causing shortness of breath during normal activities. Swelling of fingers and toes: Vitamin deficiency affects the nervous system and causes swelling of fingers and toes, especially at nerve endings. Swelling of hands and feet: Vitamin B12 helps to protect the nervous system of our body, and the lack of this vitamin can reduce the function of nerves in the body. Thus, you may experience swelling or bruising in your hands and feet. Vision problems: Vitamin A is needed to protect the light-sensitive eye cells. Lack of this vitamin can lead to long-term vision problems and even blindness. Healing: Some vitamins help heal wounds. Low levels of vitamins A, B, C, and D can cause slow wound healing.

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